Summer fun

We take water spraying very seriously

We take water spraying very seriously

This summer was full of small disappointments (like children getting sick on vacation) and surprise fun. Here are a couple of the highlights.

First — fire fighters are always cool. We attended the Northshore Fire Department Open House and Pancake Breakfast, and have attended the Shoreline Fire Department Open House in the past. Both are so much fun! There are demonstrations, trucks and aid cars to climb in, and the kids get to spray the fire hose.

On of the twins was a little scared of the fire fighters, but the other had a great time putting on his own fire coat and taking the hose in his own hands.

These events can get pretty busy, so we try to go early and leave in time for naps. If you’re around this weekend, Shoreline Fire Department is hosting their annual open house (hint hint).

Looking for sea life

Looking for sea life

At the insistence of grandma and grandpa, I took the kids on a low-tide walk. Not only was it a beautiful day to be at the beach, but we found so many cool animals. We found a red sea anemone and a huge crab. There are volunteer docents from the Seattle Aquarium at the walks to help identify sea life, and they were charming and knowledgeable.

Getting wet on the splash pad at Edmonds City Park

Getting wet on the splash pad at Edmonds City Park

We had a great time exploring the parks around us this summer. We revisited our favorite spray park, Edmonds City Park, and also enjoyed the quiet intimacy of fully-fenced Eagle Scout Park in Lake Forest Park. We rediscovered the trails around Carkeek Park and Hamlin parks.

Sometimes I forget how wonderful it is to live in a region that values its parks. They are a great way to connect with a little bit of nature without the long drive.

Last but not least, we celebrated our oldest’s birthday at High Trek Adventures in South Everett. The birthday girl had so much fun traversing the rope bridges, climbing high above me, unafraid.

Conquering the ropes

Conquering the ropes