School is out for summer!

T’s block tower at Shoreline Cooperative Preschool

T’s block tower at Shoreline Cooperative Preschool

Today is the last day of first grade for my daughter, and tomorrow is the first day of summer. The end of the school year always puts me in a reflective mood. What went well this year? What do we want to do again? So below is my list of favorite things we did this year, many of which I’m planning to do next year too.

First, Shoreline Cooperative Preschool was a great first preschool experience for the twins. They learned to play with others, and I got to make friends with other moms whose kids are the same age. Win win. (There may still be an opening in the class for kids who will be 4 by Aug. 31st, if you’re interested).

Cascade Elite Gymnastics was an amazing find for our first-grader. We had tried other gymnastics centers, but this one was the first to click with my daughter’s personality. The classes were more often supportive than competitive with each other. The first time she climbed to the top of the rope and rang the bell, her class was cheering her on and celebrating with her. She started as a beginner in September, and now is in Level 3, in large part due to the supportive and fun environment.

K, E and T climbing on a tractor near the petting area at Woodland Park Zoo

K, E and T climbing on a tractor near the petting area at Woodland Park Zoo

We have been members of Woodland Park Zoo for seven years, and it is easily the most cost-effective memberships we have. We never see all the animals when we visit, and we spend most of our time in the play areas — but the kids have so much fun and get so worn out, it’s worth it. Sometimes we get stopped at the playground to the north of the zoo, and that’s also fun. It can be crazy busy on weekends, so we try to go right when they open on weekdays. They also have fantastic programming for little kids — we love Shake, Rattle and Roar!

No children’s activity list would be complete without the Imagine Children’s Museum. We go on weekday mornings, when it isn’t so busy that I can’t keep track of the twins running in opposite directions. We can spend hours here and still not do all the things.

Getting ready for the Tiny Tots show to begin!

Getting ready for the Tiny Tots show to begin!

My absolute favorite thing that I got to do with the twins was attending the Seattle Symphony’s Tiny Tot series. Before each show, there are stations where kids can join in a drum circle, test out the instruments that will be featured in the concert, play with other percussion instruments, color booklets about the series, or read quietly on soft pillows. The concerts themselves are 35 minutes with a lot of audience participation. We sang and danced, and we sat still and listened to amazing musicians creating amazing music. After the concerts, both T and E would pretend to play the instruments we had heard and seen for weeks. This was easily the best money I spent last year.

Finally, we enjoyed every minute that we got to spend outside at our favorite parks. We love Paramount School Park and Hamlin Park, but we also love discovering new playgrounds and trails. Picnics will be a routine dinner this summer!

What were your favorite activities with your kids this year?

Taking a break from playing hard at Paramount School Park

Taking a break from playing hard at Paramount School Park